Car,  Gambia

Banger Car Rally Registration 2024

It is of paramount importance that some issues are clarified before you proceed with your registration. A polite request is that you read this document carefully before you return this form:

After our first successful banger rally in 2023, this is the second challenge organised by Caravan Challenges, scheduled for 20th December 2024, over the holidays.

It is an un-supported challenge. The Challenge is a once in a lifetime journey through different countries, meeting locals, experiencing different cultures, enjoying local foods, and admiring the beauty and creation of the Almighty Creator.

Groups will be made once registration is complete.

For the Challenge, “TEAM” is defined as ONE VEHICLE and its occupants (minimum 2 per car). You may have more people in your car at an extra cost. Please provide the full details on the application form/website.

There will be no back up support and participants are expected to help each other in times of difficulty and need. Teams are expected to plan their trip with the help of the information document supplied, getting the necessary Inoculations, Visas, Insurance (Car & Personal), Hotel, Ferry, and flight bookings where appropriate.

The Challenge IS NOT A RACE! Participants need to understand this aspect of the challenge.
It is a fun and educational journey with the intention of raising funds for our supported charity “CARAVAN OF MERCY” projects in West Africa.

All teams are advised to stay within the speed limit of each country we drive through. Driving over the speed limit on public highways is illegal and may incur additional costs and time wasting with the authorities (especially Morocco). Drive safe, adhere to the rules, and speed limits of each country.

All correspondence will be sent to all members of every team. Email is the first choice of communication used to inform the participants of all necessary arrangements, procedures, and updates. WhatsApp and text messages will be the second choice of correspondence. We advise that each contact named on the application form must have an email account and WhatsApp Number.
We have a privacy and data protection policy. However, please note that your email address and mobile number will be passed to all other participants so you can communicate with each other during the Challenge. A WhatsApp group will be set up for all members.

At times, applicants might drop out due to change in circumstances. Refunding of fees is at the discretion of the organiser. You may defer to another challenge organised by Caravan Challenges.

All participants will be responsible for the costs below:

  • Vehicle
  • Fuel
  • Food
  • Camping
  • Inoculations
  • Malaria Protection
  • Border Crossings
  • Flights Home from The Gambia
  • Hotel stay in Gambia until departure.

Caravan Challenges can help facilitate the above on request.

There is a registration fee to pay of £200 per participant.

The fee entitles you to the following:

  • Exclusive Leicester-Banjul Caravan Challenges ‘road-book e-document’ including guidance notes.
  • Leicester Banjul Banger Car Rally stickers, entry numbers and T-shirts,
  • Support on the Morocco/Mauritania/Senegal/Gambia border.
  • Information on flights home by our reputable travel agent.
  • Behind the scenes administration to try and smooth passage through Mauritania, Senegal, and The Gambia (no guarantees of success, however!)
  • Behind the scenes international liaison with partners and coordinators who allow this event to take place.
  • 2 nights free 2* hotel accommodation. One night in Spain/Morocco, where all the teams will meet up and groups made. One night at the end of our journey in The Gambia. This may vary according to circumstances.


Before filling in the form and emailing back, please be certain that you will be able to take part in the challenge.

Entry fees will not be refunded but you will be allowed to postpone to a future event.

Upon receiving your application form, and your application is successful, you will be sent email of confirmation. Upon confirmation you will be asked to pay the entry fee of £400.00 per team of 2 participants to the account below. Additional £200.00 for every extra participant.

On submission of the application form and fees, your details will be added to a contact list which will be shared with all other participants, so you may contact each other.

You will receive all necessary items by post after registration.

Updates will be sent via emails to all participants and will also be available on the website.
Jazakallah for registering with Caravan Challenges.
AC Name: Mr E I Patel
HSBC Sort code 40-28-24
Account number 11270206.

For non-UK teams: Please contact the organiser Ebrahim Patel on +44 7730984944

Registration Application form may be downloaded from the website.

To register on the UK to Africa Car Rally:

Fill out Submission Form